Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Seeding comes to an end

Seeding is almost at an end here at Hill Plains. I thought I'd better post a picture of 'the rig' that has put the whole 4500 hectares into the ground. Seems funny to think the whole farm is under crop this year having sold all of our sheep due to the shocking late break to the 2008 season.

Canola, wheat, barley and 10 hectares of peas are going in this year. The talk around the kitchen table is all about 'Do we need a bigger seeding bar?' Do we need another header? Do we need another chaser bin?' Boys, please...I know Prime Minister Krudd is encouraging us to spend in order to keep the economy going but there's no need to go crazy. What ever happened to cutting the stuff with a sythe and putting it up in stooks? If the world collapses and we run out of fuel that might be the only solution to getting the harvest in. Scary....all day out in the fields . I'd feel like Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Better get another milking cow.

I keep reminding the husband that it is only fair that I do my own personal bit to help boost the economy, and this time there is no question about it. 'I do need another winter coat. I do need another pair of winter boots. I do need another winter sojourn.'

But as they say....'some seeds fell on stoney ground'.

1 comment:

  1. We should be finished tomorrow too, Vic! Our whole 750 acres has taken nearly a week! Nothing like your big program!

    We too have bowed to Krudd's demands of economy help. We'll be expecting a new JD tractor in time to hook it up to the chaser bin. I only hope that I can get some idea how to drive these new fang-dangled machines - I like the ones that are older than me!'

    And the cheque that should have been made out to a dress shop? Alas, the bearer seemed to sell fuel not fancy items.
